Another great season!
2018 Schedule of Events: all events are during the Friday Market and FREE unless noted. April 6-Preseason Vendor meeting and potluck. Open to old and new vendors or anyone curious about[…]
2018 Schedule of Events: all events are during the Friday Market and FREE unless noted. April 6-Preseason Vendor meeting and potluck. Open to old and new vendors or anyone curious about[…]
Fresh Ricotta- A simple cheese recipe you can use in a variety of recipes. Makes about 2 cups 7 cups unhomogenized whole milk 3 tablespoons distilled white vinegar or 4[…]
The Cunninghams operate Bear Tree Farm, a small apiary in western Grayson County. Tina and Mickey joined the Market in 2013 and have been tireless volunteers. They helped expand the[…]
Customers at the Farmers Market often ask, “How do you grow your onions so big?” While many factors go into growing big tasty onions, it’s your location in relation to the equator which matters most. In other words, what’s your latitude? Yep, that’s right, latitude.
Saving your own seed allows you to select plants that meet your needs. You can choose for size, color, taste or growth patterns. Save money! Seed prices seem to rise every year. While you will probably not save everything that you need, or want, you can save a few varieties every year to ensure that you’ll always have seed. Some cultivars seem to disappear from the catalogs every year, to be replaced by hybrids or patented plants. As long as someone is growing a variety, and saving the seed, the genetics are somewhat safe.
Thanks to Don and Michelle Pridgen for this resource. The fertilizer calculator helps growers determine how much Lime, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, or Potassium to apply to the land based on soil[…]
I. Understanding Why Egg Laying Stops
The winter slack in egg laying is not usually about temperature. Unless it is bitterly cold–for example, below 0˚F–chickens usually do just fine in the cold. The real problem is the changes in their environment that come with the winter.
We’ve put together a list of our favorite seed companies, as well as a few farm supply companies that we’d recommend.