Meet our vendors!

We have a record 37 vendors signed up for our Grand Opening and Mother’s Day Artisan Craft Fair!

Here’s the list of vendors with the code of what they sell. All products may not be available this Friday.

A=Artisan, B=Baked Goods, C=Canned goods, E=Eggs, F=flowers, L=Live Plants( I know but p=produce!) M=Meat, P=Produce

The numbers correspond to their location on the map. I will copies of the Vendor map at the Managers tent, the 1st red tent on the Main Street end of Davis Street,

The vendors in the Gate Center parking lot should be in their spot.

The vendors on Courthouse Street are arranged as they arrive, so there may be some changes in location, and there may be some changes on the Courthouse lawn also. There will also be a vendor selling food from the Gate Center Kitchen. You can contact her to pre-order or just stop by on Fridays. [email protected] cell: 727-415-6839. Her menu is here

1-Donna-Bird & Hopper- P,C,B,A,E

2-Suzanne Capone- Suzie Marie’s, Artisan

3-Scott Walworth, Woodbine Natives-  Live plants

4 Tom&Anita Simpson, Mt House Farm- P,C,L

5-TJ T Johnson, Harvest Moon Farm- P, A

6-Helen Beamer Eona Farm-Meat

7-Corinne Greeson-Heritage Farm-  P,C,B,L,A

8-Rick &Jen Wagon Wheel Farm-  P, L

Alecia Nehls-Our Farms-Beverages, A, B

Ben& Jordan Shaw-Part From Me Farm-B,C,P,M,

9-Melanie Hall Peaceful Heart Farm- M,C,E

10 Carley Stidham-Bindi Rd-C,B,A

11-Logan Umberger, Blue Sage Ghse P,L

12- Michelle& Kathy  Market Tent, GLC t-shirts  P

13-Franklin Johnson- FJ Family Farm-Meat

14-Jesse Worrell &family-The watered garden-P,A,B

15-Amanda Moore-Paint Shack-Artisan

16-Ester -Pop’s Veggie, P

17-Bob Feliato-Double F Apiary-Honey

18-Charles Akers-Hillcrest Mushrooms P,C

19-Jan Komjian-Don’s Wooden Crafts-P,A

20-Jane Smith-Mineola Farm, P,C, A

21-Bob Bundy-Big Dog Coffee Roasters-Coffee

22-Susan& Jason Woods-Woods Acre Wines- Fruit wine

23-Vikki Caldwell-Mt to Sea, Artisan

24-Trina Reynolds-Swallowtail Florals-L,F

25-Nancy Liebrecht-The Cowgirl Way-Fiber

26-Lisa Shell-Kai Mohair-Fiber

27-Jennifer & Adrienne Ley-Pendle Alpacas-Fiber

28-Ann Wetmore & Karen Reeves-Barn Quilts-Artisan

29-Anne Pression-Healing Spring Farm-M,A

31-Keri Boggs & Family-Ol Goat Farm, L,P,F,C

33-Emily Papadopoulos-Mt Air Farm, Lavender

34-Carolina Kudzu Crazy-Kudzu products

38-Colleen Hammack-2 Goose Studio, Artisan

39-Jeanna Boggs-Ata Girl Farm-E,L,P,C

40-Doug Kennedy-Rustic Cabins by Moose-Artisan