all events are Fridays during the Market from 9am to 1pm unless noted otherwise
Feb 22 SATURDAY 9am-noon Grow More Vegetables Workshop. IFM office $15 at the door, rsvp,
March 1- SATURDAY 9am-noon Pest, Disease, Fertility & Irrigation. IFM office $15 at the door, rsvp, snow date March 8
March 28-Pre-season Vendor Meeting and potluck, VFW, Independence, 11am-2pm
March 29-Seed Library Open house, Wythe Grayson Library, Independence, 11 am-1pm. Free Seeds, learn about seed saving! Light refreshments.
April 18-Preview Market, get an early peek at the Market this year! Shop locally for Easter.
May 2- Grand Opening, Mother’s Day Craft Fair, IFM Kids Bucks begin early! $5 to the 1st 20 kids 12 and under.
June 7-1st Friday Cooking Days are back! Guest chefs cook local products. Free samples, donations appreciated.
June 20-Kids Day. Free and safe activities for kids of all ages. $10 of Healthy Kids Bucks to the first 30 Kids to Ms. Andrea’s tent. Rain date June 27
July 4- Town of Independence Parade and festivities-MARKET CLOSED!
July 11-Wellness Day. Join area health professionals for free information on staying healthy.
July 18- Berry Festival. Berry Dessert Contest and Sorbet fundraiser. Sorbet will be available by the frozen pint as a fund raiser for the Market.
August 1-Tomato Day–Free Tomato tasting, Salsa Contest and the Monster Tomato contest.
Friday, August 8 & Saturday August 10, 10 am -7pm – Grayson County Fair, Bottomley’s Evergreens, Elk Creek. Entries accepted Wednesday Aug 6 3-7pm
August 3-9 National Farmers Market Week.
August 15- Christmas in August Craft Fair. Support local artisans and shop local
September 5-1st Friday Cooking Day AND NEW Garlic Festival- We’ll be featuring garlic in cooking and have mini sessions on growing garlic, and a garlic tasting. Donations appreciated.
September 12-Apple Festival– Apple Pie contest, IFM Cider fundraiser.
September 19-Pepper Day-free pepper tasting
October 3- Squashtober and last Cooking Day. Guest Chef cooks the vast array of winter and summer squash. Free samples, donations appreciated.
October 10-Last Market Day
November 21- 11am to 2pm- Thanksgiving Market. IFM Kids Bucks are back!
November 28- 11am to 2pm-1st Winter Market and Chili Cook-off. IFM Kids Bucks are back!
December 6-Saturday,11am to 2pm-2nd Winter Market, Free Market Christmas Shop, Town Christmas Parade and festivities. IFM Kids Bucks are back!
For more information, please contact Michelle at 276-768-0597 or