The On-line Market will keep operating right on through the winter until we open( fingers crossed!) the 2nd Friday in May. Our schedule will stay the same- Fridays from 2-6pm until November 6 when we will shorten it to 3-6pm to reduce operating costs. Please let us know if that will cause anyone problems. There will be a few changes because of the timing of the holidays. We will have our regular Friday Markets on the Fridays before Thanksgiving and Christmas, November 20th and December 18th. In addition we will also have a Wednesday Market right before each holiday, November 25 and December 23.
We are holding a holiday raffle of the biggest box of IFM products yet to benefit the Market. The winner will be announced December 18th. Tickets are still just $5 and all the proceeds will benefit the Market. We have not been able to hold most of fundraisers this year so we really appreciate your support and best of luck!
We are currently planning to hold our 2 Winter Markets outdoors at Town Park with limited vendors, unless we have a major increase in Covid cases. These we be Green Friday, November 27 to kick off the Shop small, shop local weekend and Saturday December 5th, both Markets will be from noon to 3pm. Vendors will be wearing a mask to keep you safe and we ask that all shoppers wear a mask to keep us safe as well. Stay tuned for updates as we get closer.