Companion planting
Companion planting was a topic we barely touched in our recent workshop. Here are 2 charts that might be helpful. .
Companion planting was a topic we barely touched in our recent workshop. Here are 2 charts that might be helpful. .
Rotation was another topic we covered in our recent Pest, Disease and Fertility class. Rotation, moving plants to different areas in your garden each year or in successive plantings, can[…]
Join us for the 2nd workshop of the season February 23 from 9am to noon at the GLC/IFM office on 108 Courthouse Street. Cost is $10 and includes light refreshments.[…]
Would you like to be a judge? As we add more exhibit categories to the next Grayson County Fair, we also need to add more judges! Judging categories vary from[…]
Have you ever wondered how Rick and Jen grow such amazing produce? Farm Day is your chance to learn all about how they do things at Wagon Wheel Farm. We’ll[…]
Did you miss our raised bed workshop this spring? Here’s your chance to join us Saturday, November 11th from 9 am to noon for a hands-on raised bed workshop for all skill levels at the Grayson LandCare/IFM office at 108 Courthouse Street. Cost is $10 and light refreshments will be served.
Plan to join us Saturday April 1st from 10 am to 2 pm for a potluck lunch and a hands on raised bed workshop for all skill levels at the[…]
The Independence Farmers Market will host an On-line Media workshop Friday April 8th from 10:30 to 11:45 in the auditorium of the 1908 Courthouse. Learn how to best use[…]