Join us and sponsor River Ridge Organics for the 6th Annual Berry Festival Friday, July 20 Featuring a berry pie contest, free berry tasting, berry pancakes and a berry sorbet fundraiser for the Market. Vendors highlight berries and berry products. River Ridge Organics is USDA certified berry farm near Mouth of Wilson. You can find their berries at the Friday and On-line Farmers Markets. River Ridge donated the berries for the Sorbet fundraiser that is a highlight of Berry Day. This year, sorbet will be available by the bowl or frozen pint. Chef Jen Cavey will be making pancakes with berry syrup to benefit the Market as well.
Enter the Berry Pie contest sponsored by The Grayson County Historical Society. In keeping with the historical theme, this will feature traditional berry pies. Pies are limited to crust, and simple berry filling. The winning entry will receive $100. Please bring your pies to the Market by 9:30. Judging will begin at 10 am.
The Berry Festival began with one of our earliest vendors and board members Steve Mabe’s (most of you may know him as the sweet potato man) suggestion.